Monday, October 13, 2014

William Penn is 370 Years Old

In my enthusiasm to pass HB1013, I totally overlooked the fact that today is a holiday: Columbus Day! It suits me fine that we're schooling but my little one realized that the date is 10/13!

Last week, Oct. 5, we had bright hopes that the bill will get to the Senate Floor. That day was the Festival of Sukkot, the fifth day after Yom Kippur - a stark contrast from the solemn holiday for the Jews to one of the most joyous. But the Lord who we know is Sovereign had other thoughts. We press on.  

I haven't seen anything celebrating this yet but tomorrow is Will Penn's 370th birthday. I pray that our legislature will understand his wisdom when he said:

"No people can be truly happy, though under the greatest 
enjoyments of civil liberties, if abridged of the Freedom of their 
Conscience as to their Religious Profession and Worship."
 (Pennsylvania Charter of Liberties, 1701)

Right in the Capitol Rotunda is the message about the HOLY EXPERIMENT. "Holy Experiment" was William Penn's term for the ideal government he established for Pennsylvania in 1681, when he obtained the charter for that colony from King Charles II of England. Penn believed that the charter was a gift from God, "that an example may be set up to the nations: there may be room there, though not here, for such an holy experiment." This "experiment," Penn believed, would be a success only if the colony was settled with people of virtue, whose spirituality would shape Pennsylvania society, law, and politics. 


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