Thursday, October 23, 2014


United, we made history, folks! We finally revised Pennsylvania's draconian homeschool law! Well, we're still waiting for the Governor's signature but he already expressed his support and assured us that he will sign it.

Here's a little trivia: Did you know that it took exactly 19 months from the time Representative Mark Gillen introduced the bill until the Senate signed it? Our first big lobby effort to pass House Bill 1013 was on December 11, 2013. We held 2 more CHAP HELP Day's (Home Education Lobby Program) after that, several other smaller trips, and participated in a hearing at the Capitol - and we did it despite the odds. 

We have no doubt - since CHAP and HSLDA have been trying to improve on the law for decades - that God has given us the perfect set-up - in His time - to finally succeed. I will be writing an article on CHAP's Magazine about this journey.

We cannot thank you all enough for coming through and doing what only you can do to help CHAP pass a better homeschool statute. Remember Samuel Adam's wisdom: "Duty is ours, the results are God's."

Now, I know that many of you would like to be there for the historic event - when Governor Tom Corbett will sign this bill into law. Unfortunately, because of his tight travel schedule, his office cannot nail down a date for us. However, as soon as we know, you will know. Stay tuned!

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