But with a new language, it won't make it
An amendment is being offered in the Appropriations Committee
that has NOTHING to do with our bill. If it's tacked on, it WILL KILL House
Bill 1013. The Senate MAY pass it - we don't
know - but the House will NOT let it through, and Governor is NOT likely to
pass it either.
Please call Senator Vincent Hughes - (717) 787-7112 and respectfully but adamantly ask that he not amend HB1013.
Please call Senator Vincent Hughes - (717) 787-7112 and respectfully but adamantly ask that he not amend HB1013.
Next, call the rest of the Democratic members of Appropriations
- The amendment MAY have enormous worth but this will effectively kill our bill.
- We've been under onerous laws for a quarter of a century without significant reform in the laws... we finally got a chance.
- We don't have time to understand their thoughts on this amendment but it's not fair that they're using this method to push their wishes.
- We ask them to show courage and conviction to understand that we have been waiting for this relief for 25 years.
Include Democratic members in your calls who supported our bill in the Ed Com especially Senator Andy Dinniman - (717) 787-5709. Express your appreciation of his/their strong support for home education; and that you trust that they will continue to protect and defend our rights as home educators.
Senate Appropriations Democratic Members
Vince Hughes, Minority
Chair - 717-787-7112
Jim Ferlo, Minority Vice
Chair - 717-787-6123
Jay Costa, Ex-Officio - 717-787-7683
John Blake - 717-787-6481
Judith Schwank - 717-787-8925
Timothy Solobay - 717-787-1463
LeAnna Washington - 717-787-1427
John Wozniak - 717-787-5400
John Yudichak - 717-787-7105
Senate Education Democratic Members
Andrew Dinniman, Minority
Chair - 717-787-5709
Daylin Leach - 717-787-5544
Rob Teplitz - 717-787-6801
Anthony Williams - 717-787-5970
Hold on to the faith in prayer.
The battle is not ours but God's.
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