There are only 5 session days left and
the bill has yet to go through 3 considerations in the Senate. We need to flood
Senator Scarnati and Senator Pileggi's offices - in Harrisburg and in their district - with
calls, emails, handwritten letters, and face-to-face visits. A visit from among
their constituency will mean the most.
Please take the time to visit your State
Senator's district office. Tell them why you want them to advocate for your
homeschooling right - by doing all they can to pass HB1013 in the Senate and having
it ready for Governor Corbett's signature by October 15.
If you are not a constituent of either of them, it is still important that you contact them:
If you are not a constituent of either of them, it is still important that you contact them:
Senator Joseph Scarnati
292 Main Capitol
Sen. Dominic Pileggi
Senate Box 203009
Harrisburg , PA
Room: 350 Capitol Building
Senate Box 203009
Room: 350 Capitol Building
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