Friday, September 5, 2014


[Get the most recent update at the bottom of the article.]

Come on, homeschoolers! 

                Let's show our senators that we want change!


10 DAYS  -  RSVP here to attend CHAP HELP Day by signing-up for your children to make cards or craft projects to give 3 Senators on lobby day. If you haven't signed the petition to Governor Corbett, sign it now here.

9 DAYS  -  Share this link in your social networking sites' wall - as well as pages and groups where homeschoolers in PA can be found. Make sure you add your own shout out! [Suggestion: Post them during peak hours to get the most visibility] For your email contacts, send them this link.

8 DAYS  -  Gather your child/children with you and make cards or creative craft projects for each of the 3 senators you chose for each of your capable students. Include a quote from the Founding Fathers or a Bible verse to inspire and encourage its recipient.

7 DAYS  -  Contact your homeschooling neighbors and friends and encourage them to attend CHAP HELP DAY. You may even carpool to the Capitol. Then e-mail every member of the Senate Education Committee asking them to put HB1013 on their schedule - now.

6 DAYS  -  Call your State Senator and ask him or her to support HB1013. Try to set up an appointment to meet during lobby day so you can hand them some helpful materials.

5 DAYS  -  Call or email every Senate Education Committee member [click the Senate Database link at the bottom]. Tell them that you're calling everyone -- don't let them discredit your call because you're not a constituent -- to ask them to schedule a vote on HB1013 as soon as possible because we cannot allow the bill to expire. We need to change Pennsylvania's archaic homeschool law.

4 DAYS  -  Be sure you're signed up for cards or craft projects to give to 3 senators - made by your children. Pick 3 senators from this list who is not receiving something yet. Add a Scripture passage or a quote from a Founding Father to encourage them.

3 DAYS  -  Watch this video then pray that Pennsylvania will make home education less burdensome. Thank God for the blessing of children and being able to raise, train and educate them in the way we know is best. Pray that God will bless us with more legislators whose hearts are turned towards home discipleship and parental authority.

2 DAYS  -  Call your Senator again and give him/her a heads up - that you're coming tomorrow with your family to visit his office. Explain again that as a constituent, you are asking them to support HB 1013 and give your reason why.

1 DAY  -  Have your family read the Lobbying Tips for Families before our event. Lobbying does not have to be intimidating. On the contrary, it can be a productive and a fulfilling experience when you know that you're participating in something that makes a difference in the lives of others.

                              Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing 
                                                      because he could do only a little. 
                                                                  ~ Edmund Burke

We are blessed that we have a couple of lawmakers coming to give us an update on legislations that affect our family and religious freedom. Make sure you stay for the meeting at the Rotunda at 3:00 o'clock. I'm sure they will be happy to answer questions.

We appreciate your help in these final efforts to take the bill all the way to Governor Corbett's desk for his signature. God willing, we will be able to say, "You've Got A Friend in Pennsylvania" even if you're a home educator. :-)

PARKING: We suggest parking at the Walnut Street Garage by Strawberry Square - but note that it's a one-way street. It's a closer walking distance to the entrance of the Capitol along 3rd and State Streets which will take you right into the Main Rotunda. All visitors - no exceptions - to the PA State Capitol will be processed through metal detectors. All bags and packages will be x-rayed, and are subject to hand inspection. Personal items may be hand-inspected. 

On-street parking is easier now - no more running out of quarters. You can even extend your hours using your phone, if you wish. Know your license plate characters (numbers/letters) when you pay at the kiosk. Instructions are here. 

GOTV: to GET OUT THE VOTE, we will have Voter Registration Forms for your voting-age family members and to pass on to others at the table.

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