Thursday, June 5, 2014


"I am stumped with the re-evaluation.. I have never had that happen before. What is that about?

"I don't even have to hand my portfolio in, only a note written from our evaluator that she/he is happy with the work that they viewed."

"They say the evaluation is the job of the evaluator. They take the evaluation letter out and hand back the portfolio. One said flat-out, 'I don't have time to go through these things.'"

"I'm going to be letting our school district know that Pittsburgh Public Schools, Apollo-Ridge, and Greensburg School District have not evaluated portfolios for *YEARS*. Hopefully, they'll join the club and I'll help make my fellow homeschool families' lives easier."

These comments were from my facebook friends. I didn't know that there are school districts that don't ask for the portfolio either, until I started supporting HB1013.

At the hearing, the spokesman for PA School Boards Association said that their membership is 50/50 in their position on HB1013. I do believe that it's worth asking your superintendents for their support if they're homeschool friendly, does not feel the need, nor have time to re-evaluate your portfolio. If they can contact the House Leadership expressing their support, it would be a tremendous boost for the bill."

You may print whatever material you think will be effective to courteously educate your superintendent on the bill and request their help. The most important document to give them however is a copy of the bill itself.

When you connect with them, help them understand what HB1013 will do and not do to our existing law. Some of them have the need to know that we are still accountable to our school superintendent. They will be pleased to know that they still have oversight. (We hope to change that next, right?) Have them read the underlined paragraph on the 5th page of the bill. If you print them a copy, highlight those parts. Then, request that they call or email the Leadership  - of both the House and the Senate -- to express their approval of this bill.

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