CHAP HELP DAY (Home Education Lobby Program)
[UPDATE: Due to the number of legislations stacked against parental rights which will significantly change our homeschool laws, we invited the media to cover the event. The first part of the hour will be a press conference, followed by the training, and then we will disperse to visit the office of our legislators. Register NOW and we'll email you additional information. Thank you for helping us help you.]
Register NOW to attend this exciting family civics opportunity!
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
10:00 AM
at the Main Rotunda of the Capitol
10:00 AM
at the Main Rotunda of the Capitol
We will divide our time between training and visiting our legislators.
This year, we are proud to have as our speaker:
along with some of our friends in the Pennsylvania General Assembly
Our focus will be on the following four areas:
- Tips for effective lobbying and how to talk to your legislators
- Visiting our state legislators and developing a relationship with them
- Learning how to pro-actively advocate for home education
- Hear brief updates on bills that may effect homeschoolers in the near future
With team work, planning and networking, we can promote the protection of our rights over our children and family.
Each family is encouraged to bring a homemade pie or plate of cookies as a gift for each Senator and Representative that they visit (at least 2).
We will provide CHAP Lobby Packets with pertinent information that you can share to each of the legislators
Encouraging them with our respect and honor, every family will try to visit their own or an assigned legislator - to thank them for their public service, and to show them faces of real homeschooling families.
Encouraging them with our respect and honor, every family will try to visit their own or an assigned legislator - to thank them for their public service, and to show them faces of real homeschooling families.
Many of our leaders need to hear that we do not ask for anything from our government; only that we be left alone, our burdens lightened, so we can focus on the job God entrusted to us.
After the training, you will be able explain to lawmakers our current homeschool laws, why you teach your children at home, and show them scientific evidence why parent-led education works.
To sign up send an email to include your name, complete address, your legislative district (if known), and the number of adults and children attending.
CHAP will issue a Certificate of Attendance to affidavit-reporting students.
We appreciate your assistance in the preparations.
We appreciate your assistance in the preparations.
R E G I S T E R T O D A Y !
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