Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Family Lobby Day at the Capitol


Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania (CHAP)
Home Education Lobby Program (HELP)

Harrisburg Capitol Building - Main Rotunda
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 at 12:30 - 3:30 PM

Registration deadline: March 25, 2014

• Pro-actively advocate for better home education law and lobby for H.B. 1013

• Develop familiarity and show appreciation for our state legislators

• Allow public officials to meet a real homeschooling family

The current homeschool law was passed in 1988, 25 years ago, at a time when there was a great deal of skepticism about the viability of homeschooling as an educational option. As a result, Pennsylvania’s law remains one of the most restrictive in the nation, second only to New York. Homeschoolers in Pennsylvania have tried for over 10 years to get relief from the oppressive requirements of the current law. It is time for Pennsylvania to join the majority of states that have enacted laws that do not demand unreasonable and unnecessary government oversight of parents teaching their children at home.

CHAP HELP Day is a great opportunity for the whole family to participate. Even young children are invited if they are able to behave appropriately. We will be meeting with members of the General Assembly urging them to support the bill and homeschooling in the state. In order to honor these legislators for their public service, we will also bake them homemade pies, breads or cookies and provide them with information about homeschooling and House Bill 1013.  To prepare your family for lobbying, read: Lobbying Tips for Families at CHAPLegislativeAction.blogspot.com.  

Check for Announcements and Updates at: http://www.CHAPonline.com
or Contact: CHAPHELPDay@chaponline.com


FINDING CHAP's TABLE AT THE CAPITOL:  On Wednesday, April 2, 12:30 PM, CHAP will have tables set up around and near the main rotunda. It is best to come in the 3rd Street entrance because you come right into the main rotunda. You may also enter the building via the fountain entrance on Commonwealth Avenue and security officers can direct you from there; or just take the escalator up and walk straight down the hall. In front of you is the back of the famous staircase. Walk around it and you'll be at the main rotunda.   

Please arrive on time so you will have time to drop off your baked goods at the CHAP table, where you will be assigned a legislator, and pick up your family packets. [There might be another event going on until CHAP's meeting at 2:30 PM.]  All participants are expected to read Lobbying Tips for Families before arrival and everybody is encouraged to visit a legislator (or more) between the hours of 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM. We will then gather at the rotunda for a meeting with some homeschool leaders and legislators to talk about the next steps for House Bill 1013 and address questions you may have.

PAMPHLETS & HANDOUTS:  Each family will be provided with packets of information and assigned to visit a member of the House and/or Senate Education Committee. One packet will be for the legislator with some talking points and information about homeschooling data. There will also be a packet of educational materials for each family with a certificate of attendance for each participating homeschool student.

PIES, BREADS & COOKIES:  Those who sign up to attend should bake something for two or three legislators. They must be home-made, not store bought. A few sugar-free and gluten-free baked goods would be appreciated for our legislators with dietary restrictions. All food must be clearly labeled with the ingredients and your name, phone number and legislative district. If you wish, you may just include the full recipe. Please bake pies in a disposable tin and place them inside a gallon-size storage or freezer bag. Cookies can be nicely arranged on a disposable plate or tray wrapped in clear plastic wrap. Breads may be placed in clear plastic bags as well. Every item must include a listing of all ingredients or a recipe attached underneath the bag.

We really need everybody to bring baked goods but if you absolutely cannot, please help cover the cost of Legislative Day expenses with a donation of $20 per family. Please write out your checks to CHAP and bring it along or mail to: Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania at 231 N. Chestnut St., Palmyra PA 17078.

PROTOCOLS: We will be guests in a professional office building conducting the official business of our state. Noise and activity must be kept to a minimum. Because the intent of Legislative Day is to make the most effective presentation possible and to facilitate conversation with our legislators, young children must be closely supervised. Out of respect for our officials and to leave a good impression, dress your best.

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Please email the following information to: CHAPHELPDay@chaponline.com to sign-up.

Your Name: __________________________________________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________

Number of children attending Lobby Program _________ 

Their ages: ____________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Zip Code: _____________________  

E-mail: ________________________________________

Number of Pies:_____   Bread:_____   Plate of Cookies:_____

Number of Special Diet Items: 100% Gluten Free_____   Sugar Free_____

_____ I will be unable to bring baked goods but will contribute $20 for Legislative Day.

            REMEMBER:   Registration deadline:  March 25, 2014

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